
Why does the world focuses its attention to HWPL?

I first heard about HWPL and IPYG when I was a senior in college. The vision, the chairman presented seemed realistic and applicable to the current trend in the world. And I saw that many youths around the world were involved and applauding at the works of HWPL and IPYG with Chairman Man Hee Lee. Then, I started to wonder why do people focus their attention on this sudden appearance of this organization? HWPL does not have any powerful base connections or governmental support. Although I heard it is registered under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Korea), it is a non-governmental organization and a non-profit organization. How did HWPL manage to create an influential connection from the scratch? How were they able to still gather and invite members despite many false accusations made against the chairman as a cult leader in South Korea. I found this very interesting. One of the speakers at the WARP Summit commented in his speech that before attending this Summit his acquaintances did not recommend him to attend this Summit, but he came regardless and further commented he was glad to participate in the Summit.

We make accusation against each other for our difference qualities. Sometimes we are not able tolerate even the smallest things that we disagree upon. This is similar to religion. There are many religions in the world and many conflicts have happened because of the religious difference. But if each religion teaches peace, should we not all unite together under this mutual teaching to achieve peace? Why should we go against one of the fundamental doctrines by accusing others? Accusing a group of people, who has different belief, only creates another conflict. This conflict will lead to another conflict. On the other hand, HWPL and Chairman Lee is working towards peace. Is he bringing harm to people? Regardless of different religious doctrine, when we only look at his action, he is someone working to create peace and harmony. But, many people, especially in South Korea are accusing him and his works. Who is doing the right thing? In some ways, it seems that the sense of maturity and judgment of character of some people is lower than a grade school student or even a kindergarten. 

The stories and the pictures in the WARP Summit and the works of HWPL fascinate me, because it brings different people together. And in addition to bringing people together, it offers a mutual goal and a path that all can walk together to reach a destination.

And perhaps that is the reason why the world focuses its attention to this organization, because of their passionate work towards peace. And Chairman Lee's dedication and determination becomes a superb example for the youth and inspires them to become a peace advocate, as they see the Chairman travelling all over the world with a youthful heart. Age is only a number.

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