Everything will be possible, if we work together. We learn about cooperation from early education. We learn to cooperate with our classmates in a group project or in a game. Even in higher education, cooperation and team work assignments are given to students, in order to prepare them for the world. We are able to invest time and work with one another for our own goal and desire. Then, why could we not work together and cooperate together for a cause that is good for the whole world? Without world peace, our individual dreams will be harder to achieve, because of endless conflict. For the first time in the history of mankind, we see a global movement of people from the international community coming together for peace. This is the work of HWPL. Although the numbers are not great compared to the global population, it is increasing. Just as the members of the HWPL work together for world peace, it is important that we all work together for the survival of our race.
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