
The Speech of Mother Teresa, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

"Let us thank God, for this beautiful occasion, where we can all together proclaim the joy of spreading peace, the joy of loving one another, and the joy acknowledging that the poorest of the poor are our brothers and sisters."

This is the opening words of Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun, who devoted her life towards helping those who are helpless. She was a Christian, who believed Jesus Christ as the saviour. However, she also was a person who lived on this earth. Her affiliation with a religion did not stop her to reach out to love people of different religion. This is why she is still respected by many people, even if they do not have the same religion or do not possess the same beliefs as she did. Her example of love shows that peace is not intended for a specific group. It is intended for all and one as a whole. All peace movements must seek to accomplish unity between everyone. The World Peace proposed by Chairman Man Hee Lee does not limit to one specific group. As Mother Teresa says we celebrate and proclaim the joy of spreading peace all together. It is something that we must work and celebrate all together. As we come close to the First Anniversary of the WARP Summit, which was an event that many different groups participated to work towards peace, we must look back on how we can work together to build a peaceful world and what can we do in our own community.

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