Unlike his previous films, Ridley Scott's The Kingdom of Heaven has many quotes that suggest a thought on peace and harmony.
"A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience. A kingdom of heaven. There is peace between Christian and Muslim. We live together, or between Saladin and the king, we try. Did you think that lay at the end of a Crusade?"
It is slightly ironic that the speaker of this quote is a soldier and the picture of this character from the film includes himself holding a sword. Perhaps, this sword was used to protect the peace, so that nothing would break the pre-established peace. It may not be the optimal way, but the viewers are able to see in the film that this power was necessary so that he would be able to protect the peace from the threatening force. What is the most optimal method for peace to be achieved? Is it through force? The blood shed will bring more blood. However, achieving peace through persuasion and unification will not bring side effect. This is what HWPL believes in. Although HWPL is not capable of gathering firearms, they advocate harmony through talks and dialogue.
"What man is a man who does not make the world better?"
(Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddate meliorem)
This Latin phrase is said by Bailian of Ibelin, who is the son of Godfrey. Bailian is able to demonstrate this quote through the actions that he showed in the film. Despite his accomplishment, in the end of the film, he only responds by instroducing himself as a blacksmith to the question of the King of England, who was looking for Bailian, who was the last defender of Jerusalem. After the achievement of saving the people of Jerusalem and re-bringing some form of harmony between the Christians and the Muslim, he humbles himself only as a blacksmith. It is true that his achievement required many sacrifice, but in the bigger picture, he was able to save more lives and earned the respect of his adversaries. The quote below is the speech he gave to motivate the men, who chose to defend Jerusalem after their main army's defeat. It is important that we work to make this world better. People say success in life through a good occupation or wealth is valuable, but to him and to some of us today, making this world is even more valuable in building our identity as man, because it is the world that we live. We clean our house and take care of our house for guests and also because it is our responsibility. The world is our great home that we must take care of. This world however, is being destroyed through the conflict and disagreement. We must find agreement and create harmony to protect the world from being destroyed.
This Latin phrase is said by Bailian of Ibelin, who is the son of Godfrey. Bailian is able to demonstrate this quote through the actions that he showed in the film. Despite his accomplishment, in the end of the film, he only responds by instroducing himself as a blacksmith to the question of the King of England, who was looking for Bailian, who was the last defender of Jerusalem. After the achievement of saving the people of Jerusalem and re-bringing some form of harmony between the Christians and the Muslim, he humbles himself only as a blacksmith. It is true that his achievement required many sacrifice, but in the bigger picture, he was able to save more lives and earned the respect of his adversaries. The quote below is the speech he gave to motivate the men, who chose to defend Jerusalem after their main army's defeat. It is important that we work to make this world better. People say success in life through a good occupation or wealth is valuable, but to him and to some of us today, making this world is even more valuable in building our identity as man, because it is the world that we live. We clean our house and take care of our house for guests and also because it is our responsibility. The world is our great home that we must take care of. This world however, is being destroyed through the conflict and disagreement. We must find agreement and create harmony to protect the world from being destroyed.
"It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem, and we have made our preparations as well as they can be made. None of us took this city from Muslims. No Muslims of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. We fight over an offense we did not give, against those who were not alive to be offended. What is Jerusalem? your holy places lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. The Muslim places of worship lie over yours. Which is more holy? The Wall? The Mosque? The Sepulchre? Who has claim? No one has claim. All have claim. We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls."
Esta es la frase que resume el sentido de lo que hacemos todos aquellos que luchamos por una causa noble: "What man is a man who does not makes the world better ?