
Your own definition of peace

A world that you dream of...

We all have our own fantasy and dream. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a world, where all men are treated equal. His dream became reality, after countless amount of efforts. It is true that weak or strong racism still exists in our daily life. It is natural due to the differences that we have. Though there was a time in history, when segregation was considered normal, people sought to make a better world, because they recognized the difference and unfairness. This movement did not happen in only one country, but in different countries. There were no international movement that grouped these national-based movements together. It happened, because it would lead the humanity into a better direction. Finally, a law was created to integrate and make racism illegal. The dream of Martin Luther King Jr. came true and still continues to be achieved today, as the world sees less racial segregation.

Today, we fight for many different causes. Among them is the HWPL peace movement. This is slightly broader than the dream of Dr. King. The peace movement includes overcoming racial, ideological, and religious differences. In some ways, these conflicts are considered normal because it is because of difference. We need to start working towards the dream. We all need to become like Martin Luther King Jr. in our own community or like Chairman Man Hee Lee to make this world a better place, which is place no segregation exists. We all need to accept everyone is different and it is normal to be different. If conflict arises every time due to a minor difference, then these conflicts will never end until everyone dies.

In order to stop this, we must work together. We must create law that will regulate these conflicts. In the beginning it will be hard. And even after many months and years, conflicts may still exist. However, there will be a progress. Just like the integration in United States still continues to overcome racism. These are small steps that are taken to a large and big destination. 

What is a world that you dream of? What is your definition of peace? We all have our definition of peace. We all have a place that we dream of or an occupation that we wanted. What is a peaceful world to you? If you have time to write few lines under the comment section, feel free to share your idea and definition of peace. Is it a world without war? Is it a world with something you love?

I think we would all agree that this world of peace is a place where we are able to share with the people that we love.

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