Say "Peace" in different languages
The link below provides the translation of the word "peace" in the languages of the world. For some languages it may not be the direct translation of the word or the word may have a different meaning. This difference may arise from the different culture and background. It would be interesting to see the origins of these words and compare their meaning to see if they mean the same. In a broader sense, we all have our own definition of peace, but we can all agree that it is a state without war.
On the other hand, some languages may share a similar origin. Even if the words do not match exactly the same, they might share the same mother language. Sadly the nations, who may share such original word are suffering from conflicts and wars. They are not able to recognize similarity that they share and they conflict over differences. I hope that there will be a day in the future, where we are able to greet each other in the name of peace. This is truly possible in HWPL as it is gathering more organizations to join its membership. These organization are not of the same country, but of multiple countries. HWPL holds them together in the name of peace. And under the direction of Chairman Man Hee Lee, they walk in the same path towards a destination.
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