
PEACE WALK by Youth - HWPL Peace Declaration 2013

What if
all conflicts around the world will finish,
Wars between countries will end?

 On 25 May 2013, before the Peace Gate of the Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light(HWPL) hosted the Walk for World Peace and Restoration. This event marked the official proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace, announcing an era of change and most importantly, of peace. The declaration presented an outlined method to achieve what centuries of wars and peace efforts had failed to establish. The words of the declaration inspires every person to envision how peace might be achieved, sparking a responsibility in the hearts on the youth - a spark which quickly grew into blaze of hope, bringing light and warmth to communities and opening the door to a new outlook.

 Over 30,000 youth representing 130 countries including the Unite States, Portugal, Greece, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Belarus and Columbia gathered to participate in the event. Following the Declaration of World Peace, they hosted a peace walk along the main road, calling for the cessation of wars.

 International media from every country broadcasted coverage of the declaration and peace walk. Since its official initiation last year, the news of this walk continues to spread globally and inspires youth groups to actively pursue the Declaration of World Peace.

BY Official Site of HWPL