
HWPL Peace Walk, a walk towards peace

What is the meaning of peace walk that HWPL has been hosting for the past two years? After a successful peace walk in May 25, 2013, HWPL hosted the anniversary peace walk in 2014, in addition to the peace walk in the WARP Summit. The peace walk initiated by the youths in Philippines resulted the reconciliation of two different religions that struggled in conflict for more than 40 years.

So what is this power of peace walk? Does its impact origin from the motives of HWPL and Chairman Lee? Regardless of the reason, witnessing and watching the youths gathering and walking together creates a harmony between different groups. The act of walking together to one destination shows clearly the mutual interest of all the participant in the peace walk. And we start to notice the same hope that we all possessed. Rather than judging other based on how they look, through the peace walk we begin to recognize that each of us all have hope for peace. And as we are close to the 2nd anniversary of the HWPL peace walk, I hope to see more peace walks to happen all over the world, in the midst of global conflict and struggles.

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