
WARP Summit: What is possible and impossible?

Would it be possible for a non-profit organization to host such a large-scale event? A summit is referred to as an event that consists of heads of state. However, something special about the WARP Summit was that, in addition to the former and current heads of state, it consisted of renowned religious leaders from different religions. Imagine. It is sometimes hard to find an agreement in a council or meeting of one group. Think about the possible outcome that could have arose when all these leaders from different background, who each has different idea, came together. It could have been a disaster. However, this possibility only stayed as an impossible possibility.

When over a thousand leaders from different religions, nations, and organization gathered together for the events in the Summit, they all agreed to sign on the peace agreement to enact an international law and end all wars. This was rather impossible to imagine. But, instead the participants were inspired by the various performances in the Summit and witnessed a miracle inside each event. Chairman Lee's determination to achieve peace still continues right now, even after the WARP Summit. He has been travelling around the world in different countries and meeting diverse groups of people. What could have inspired to start this cause?

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