
Peace Quotes

Peace Quotes: Albert Einstein and John Lennon

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
-Albert Einstein

Similar to the quote of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., peace is something that needs to achieved by understanding of one another. It is not by force, in which creates war. In the past, countries tried to keep peace and protect on their behalf, so that their countries will be safe. However, it is not by force that peace is kept, but it is by removal of war. The WARP Summit in September, 2014 brought all religions together towards understanding that we origin from one creator. Peace cannot be kept by war, but by understanding and tolerance of those who are different than us. The works of HWPL will guide the religions towards unity and understanding, rather than war. HWPL is not a powerful military force, but it consists of people, who works toward understanding.

“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.”
-John Lennon

As Albert Einstein suggests the ultimate solution to peace, John Lennon suggests the spirit of an individual, in regards to achieving peace. It is our desire and passion for peace that will allow peace to come true in our life. The culture that we live in naturally builds a desire for materialistic goods. If materialism is replaced with a cause that is aim towards greater good, then peace would come true. Even if Chairman Man Hee Lee has the practical solution for peace, if no one desires it, then peace would not be possible. Each individual must have the desire to replace the materialistic desire for peace, in order for the practical solution for peace suggested by Chairman Lee to work.

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