
HWPL: Donations for Nepal Earthquake

A peace movement does not only consists of messages of peace. It also consists of action. Peace can be simply defined as love for our neighbors. The act of charity that HWPL showed towards the victims of the recent Nepal Earthquake is a proof that HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee also walks the path of love. They do not only speak, but also act to achieve peace. Although HWPL may not be financially strong, it is great to see that they made great effort to support the fellow mankind, who suffered from a natural disaster. All wars result with victors and losers, but peace results with all victors. We all become winners in our path towards tolerance and understanding. It was great to see the world becoming one to empathize the pain and the suffering of the victims of Nepal Earthquake. I hope that our bonds grow stronger even in these hardships.

Link: http://www.thevoicebw.com/2015/06/23/donations-for-nepal-earthquake/

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