
The Vision of HWPL and IPYG

Why does the world need peace? Has there been any compensation given for their lost lives? This questions are not normally asked by the people, who are busy living their daily lives. This is only a concern for the few, who actually lost their loved ones in war. The people around them may sympathize with them, but it does not lead them to empathy. I also did not truly understand the loss of the loved ones, because none of my families were affected by the war. I only knew the suffering of those who lost their loved ones, but I never felt their pain with them, until I came across HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee. His messages made me realize the importance of peace and end of the war. The dedication that Mr. Man Hee Lee showed during the WARP Summit and the World Tours gave me an absolute realization that he does not have the solution and the key to world peace, because his messages did not only influence me to look at the world from a different perspective, but other youths and leaders as well. Those, who were busy fulfilling their personal dreams and goals for their nations, started to look at one single goal: world peace. This devotion that everyone showed at the WARP Summit and the Peace Walk will be the leading cause towards world peace. The small spark of light that started in the Korean Peninsula now spreads across the world to create a greater light.

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