
WARP Summit: Press Conference

"I would like to share with you about the peace activities I have been doing.
I was only a youth during World War II.
And I lived through 12 different administration of the president of Korea.
Over the years, I have seen and heard many things.
The reason for hosting the WARP Summit is as I told you.
We have to reenact an international law and must sign on the international law.
I do not wish for other things. If peace can be fulfilled, I firmly believe that those, who do the work of peace will be remembered as peace advocates in history and our future generation can enjoy the peace that we achieved."
-Chairman Man Hee Lee

In these few simple sentences, we are able to see the devotion that one man made because of his life experience that would change the world. Imagine, one day you had an experience. This experience altered the course of your life in terms of decision and characteristic. This resulted something enormous that would be beyond your imagination at that moment of experience. Chairman Man Hee Lee was a regular soldier in the front line of the Korean War. He participated in many battles, experienced near death, and saw many of his fellow soldiers, who died protecting their country from those, whom they once referred as brothers. It is truly sad that a nation would be the scapegoat of an ideological turmoil. This experience probably altered Chairman Lee's personality. This resulted the WARP Summit, ironically in the same nation, where that war took place. His love for humanity gave him the motivation to travel and talk about peace. In his old age, he could enjoying to spend his life doing something else, however, he chose to work for peace. This is something extraordinary. He was an ordinary man, when he had his experience, but the thoughts and the beliefs that he chose to follow made him into an extraordinary man. I think the world started to recognize that also, as they are calling the WARP Summit hosted by HWPL and the Chairman, the work of the divine creator.

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