
Quote: Chairman Man Hee Lee

"Over the history, there have been many people, who wished for and preached peace, but the world still remains the same. This was, because they did not have the right resources. However, because we (HWPL) have the right resources, we work for the peace movement around the world."

HWPL is truly the most appropriate organization for this era. It consists of people, who work for the same goal: to achieve peace. As Chairman Lee mentioned, HWPL seems to attract many youth and woman organizations around the world with the ingredients that they presented as a solution to achieve peace. And with the right tools and resources, HWPL is truly achieving peace around the world step by step. This is proven by the recent Summit that was hosted in South Korea last September. One of the main events of the Opening Ceremony of the Summit, Card Section, captured the attention of many participants with the message that they showed through synchronized movements. The cooperation that the performers displayed seems to represent a sense of peace that they themselves achieved. Also it amazed me that all staffs were volunteers, who sacrificed their times to prepare for the events. This truly shows that HWPL has the right resource to spread peace.


Quote: Chairman Man Hee Lee

*Brief translations of quotes of the chairman regarding peace

"What will we leave our future generation and our descendants as inheritance? Will it be the dying world filled with confusion and conflict due to war? Should we not leave them with a world of peace, a world without war to our descendants?"

What good is there to leave our children with intelligent mind or knowledge, if there is no peace? The best inheritance that we can leave our descendants is a world of peace, where they are able to pursue and achieve their dreams. The priority must be uniting under the banner of peace. And just as the chairman adds, "It will be a peaceful world, where everyone would be filled with happiness forever." And peace, according to the chairman transcends nation, ethnicity, and religion. It is something that is needed to everyone in the world, because so far in the history of mankind, only conflicts and wars existed.


A Prayer of Peace

Many people either Christian or non-Christian are fascinated by the works of Chairman Man Hee Lee. But, at the same time the progressive Catholic leader, Pope Francis is changing the Catholic and the global community on the other side of the world. His papal name 'St. Francis of Assisi' brought a huge surprise to the Catholic community as it was a humble name that was not suitable for a pope. And the name also seems to send a message of peace. Although he did not write the Prayer of Peace that is used widely in the Catholic Church, Prayer of St. Francis is a prayer about one asking God to be used as an instrument of peace.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

As both of the leaders work to create peace in the world and to each community in the world, it will be amazing to see what they can do, if they work together. And I long to see the day, when the Pope Francis and the Chairman meet together, especially after the visit of the Pope in South Korea last year and the participation of a Catholic Archbishop in WARP Summit. If the two organizations work together, it will double the effect. It is not about 'who' achieves what, but what these 'whos' can achieve.

Why does the world focuses its attention to HWPL?

I first heard about HWPL and IPYG when I was a senior in college. The vision, the chairman presented seemed realistic and applicable to the current trend in the world. And I saw that many youths around the world were involved and applauding at the works of HWPL and IPYG with Chairman Man Hee Lee. Then, I started to wonder why do people focus their attention on this sudden appearance of this organization? HWPL does not have any powerful base connections or governmental support. Although I heard it is registered under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Republic of Korea), it is a non-governmental organization and a non-profit organization. How did HWPL manage to create an influential connection from the scratch? How were they able to still gather and invite members despite many false accusations made against the chairman as a cult leader in South Korea. I found this very interesting. One of the speakers at the WARP Summit commented in his speech that before attending this Summit his acquaintances did not recommend him to attend this Summit, but he came regardless and further commented he was glad to participate in the Summit.

We make accusation against each other for our difference qualities. Sometimes we are not able tolerate even the smallest things that we disagree upon. This is similar to religion. There are many religions in the world and many conflicts have happened because of the religious difference. But if each religion teaches peace, should we not all unite together under this mutual teaching to achieve peace? Why should we go against one of the fundamental doctrines by accusing others? Accusing a group of people, who has different belief, only creates another conflict. This conflict will lead to another conflict. On the other hand, HWPL and Chairman Lee is working towards peace. Is he bringing harm to people? Regardless of different religious doctrine, when we only look at his action, he is someone working to create peace and harmony. But, many people, especially in South Korea are accusing him and his works. Who is doing the right thing? In some ways, it seems that the sense of maturity and judgment of character of some people is lower than a grade school student or even a kindergarten. 

The stories and the pictures in the WARP Summit and the works of HWPL fascinate me, because it brings different people together. And in addition to bringing people together, it offers a mutual goal and a path that all can walk together to reach a destination.

And perhaps that is the reason why the world focuses its attention to this organization, because of their passionate work towards peace. And Chairman Lee's dedication and determination becomes a superb example for the youth and inspires them to become a peace advocate, as they see the Chairman travelling all over the world with a youthful heart. Age is only a number.


The Logo of HWPL

The logo of HWPL contains different symbols that all lead toward peace. In the center, the bird approaching earth represents the dove bringing peace to the world. And the earth naturally influenced by the peace that the dove brought, will finally experience peace. The twelve different stones are different cultures and religions that gather together towards peace as a global family through IPYG and IWPG. And the rainbow that surrounds these symbols symbolize the culture of heaven, which is the unconditional love that it gives to mankind. Finally, the stars that surround the whole logo represent HWPL's partnership with various leaders.


HWPL Peace Walk, a walk towards peace

What is the meaning of peace walk that HWPL has been hosting for the past two years? After a successful peace walk in May 25, 2013, HWPL hosted the anniversary peace walk in 2014, in addition to the peace walk in the WARP Summit. The peace walk initiated by the youths in Philippines resulted the reconciliation of two different religions that struggled in conflict for more than 40 years.

So what is this power of peace walk? Does its impact origin from the motives of HWPL and Chairman Lee? Regardless of the reason, witnessing and watching the youths gathering and walking together creates a harmony between different groups. The act of walking together to one destination shows clearly the mutual interest of all the participant in the peace walk. And we start to notice the same hope that we all possessed. Rather than judging other based on how they look, through the peace walk we begin to recognize that each of us all have hope for peace. And as we are close to the 2nd anniversary of the HWPL peace walk, I hope to see more peace walks to happen all over the world, in the midst of global conflict and struggles.


The Accomplishments of Chairman Man Hee Lee

In additions to over 15 tours around the world, in order to promote the message of peace, Chairman Man Hee Lee with HWPL successfully hosted the WARP Summit. Previously to the Summit, Chairman Lee's visit in Philippines and the accomplishment that he showed there, proves that he truly has the key to unlocking peace, an ingredient that will save the world. The conflict that lasted for 40 years between the Catholics and the Muslims in Mindanao was finally over through an agreement mediated by the Chairman and HWPL. This conflict took away the lives of numerous people from their families.

"Why must we fight another and be divided like this?" The reason I am meeting with presidents and dignitaries is to sign an agreement to stop war once and for all. I am also meeting with the religious leaders, because it is our responsibility to be a light to this world" [During the interview with PTV]

The peace walk and the voices of youth changed and unified the minds of their leaders. And the agreement became a success. And the Chairman comments that he is not meeting leaders to achieve his own fame, but because it is his responsibility to be the light in the world. HWPL is not affiliated with specific denomination, but most members have a religion of their own. Religion is not an issue or an initiator of conflict in HWPL, but it is something that brings the members together through the hope of achieving peace. Chairman himself is a Christian and this is his act to set an example as a Christian and as a member of the global community. And I hope to see that more of these peace resolutions can be see throughout the world, including the Korean peninsula.


Declaration of World Peace, a ticket to the new era

There has been many different proclamation or declaration in the history of mankind. For example, the Declaration of Independence by the forefathers of United States, Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln or the Proclamation of Korean Independence. Although each has a different message based on its various environment, these declaration or proclamation shares one purpose: the start of something new. In the same manner, the Declaration of World Peace was proclaimed in front of the Peace Gate in South Korea, in a same manner. The speaker of this declaration was Chairman Man Hee Lee, the Korean War veteran, who has been hoping for a peace in his country and in the world for decades. This declaration of May 25, 2015 included the unprecedented vision proposed by HWPL and the Chairman regarding peace.

"The Heavens and the Earth formed by the hands of the Creator have been given to humanity as an inheritance. In all the universe, life in its vast splendor exists only on our world. The life that grows on the earth is sustained from above - by light, by the rain, and by the air they provide unconditionally to all living beings. We have received the precious gift of life from above, let us give glory to heaven, and live in peace on earth. This is the truest teaching of heaven. With this eternal gift - the grace and life we have received - are we entitled to fight, kill and destroy one another?"

The first few sentences of the Declaration makes a powerful statement on the corrupted usage of the world by the mankind for the past millenniums, which was originally a gift and a privilege given to mankind by the heaven. We have been blessed with such providence from the nature, yet we use these for power struggle and to harm one another in any manner either violent or non-violent. Do we change the gift that we have received from someone into a weapon to harm others? These statements and questions are simple, nevertheless questions the basis of our morality.


Chairman Man Hee Lee, the Messenger of Peace

What inspired the Chairman, who is now entering his mid-80s, to start this movement? Something should have initiated the wave of HWPL. In one of his interviews, Chairman Lee explains that the terrible experiences in the Korean War gave him the determination to pursue this peace work. As a young man in the 1950s, Chairman Lee volunteered in the Korean War, a war that completely divided one people into two. The views of his comrades dying right by him affected him tremendously and taught him the disaster that a war is capable of creating. This experience influenced him to start this peace movement to end all wars. Although some wars are caused by political difference, some wars are also caused by religions. This is why the Chairman proposes few solutions. The enactment of an international law and the unification of all religion under one creator. This was a lifelong dedication of Chairman Lee that finally blossomed at this era. And the world hopes to see many other peace movements under the visions of HWPL and Chairman Lee to happen in various places of the world.


WARP Summit: What is possible and impossible?

Would it be possible for a non-profit organization to host such a large-scale event? A summit is referred to as an event that consists of heads of state. However, something special about the WARP Summit was that, in addition to the former and current heads of state, it consisted of renowned religious leaders from different religions. Imagine. It is sometimes hard to find an agreement in a council or meeting of one group. Think about the possible outcome that could have arose when all these leaders from different background, who each has different idea, came together. It could have been a disaster. However, this possibility only stayed as an impossible possibility.

When over a thousand leaders from different religions, nations, and organization gathered together for the events in the Summit, they all agreed to sign on the peace agreement to enact an international law and end all wars. This was rather impossible to imagine. But, instead the participants were inspired by the various performances in the Summit and witnessed a miracle inside each event. Chairman Lee's determination to achieve peace still continues right now, even after the WARP Summit. He has been travelling around the world in different countries and meeting diverse groups of people. What could have inspired to start this cause?

Film: Interstellar

Last December, I saw Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar”, a science fiction film about the search for a new planet. It is a film that extended our limits on space exploration. It triggered the thought that we can rather navigate and colonize a different new planet. As mentioned in the previous post, it is our responsibility to take care of earth, our home. However, in the film, we notice a perishing earth and mankind only relies on certain crop to sustain their living. What could be the cause of this? It would be due to the lack of care we provided to earth. And mankind are forced to send a space expedition to explore and discover a new home. Say, mankind survives just as it is shown at the end of the film. But, what if the concept of peace is not completely present in the minds of the new generation? Wars, conflicts, and struggles will continue despite the new generation. These struggles that happen through religious and political differences must be resolved, in order for the survival of mankind. The term “Interstellar” can be translated as “between and among stars.” Shouldn't we reflect how the stars are organized in the universe? Even in our solar systems, the planets do not clash with one another, but stays at its course with the sun as the center. The presence of a peace organization like HWPL, a sole organization that is created for one purpose, is truly needed at this time. As the world surely was created by one divine being, we must unite under one being.

Peace proposed by HWPL

Has there even been a cause, in which different groups of people came together under one purpose throughout the history of mankind? It was always conflicts in ideology, religion and even small views that alter our lives. Although the idea of peace has sustained throughout centuries, it was never fulfilled, because of the difference above. However, what if peace is possible? What if different groups of people are uniting together towards one vision in achieving peace in the world? HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Life) is gaining the support of diverse groups regardless of religion, ethnicity, and ideology. This is truly possible through the efforts and the vision of the chairman, Mr. Man Hee Lee. His message regarding peace puts the global community into a bigger responsibility. It is our duty, as people living in this world, to take care of the world, the home that we live in. And because this becomes the home of our future generation, it requires our attention even more.

The messages that the chairman shares are the words that truly needed for people at this era. What are his messages? It is to achieve peace through alliance of religion. As we saw many attacks on people for their religious difference,, it is essential that we find an agreement among religions and even further nations. In my opinion, peace would be only become achievable by the works of the Chairman Lee and HWPL, because they have the resources and the right vision to achieve peace.


Introduction: 'Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light'

HWPL, a peace organization that has been recently catching the attention of the world regarding peace, is definitely an organization that is suited for today. Despite different conflicts and struggles that still persist around the world today, HWPL, on the other side, strives to achieve peace through its vision and methods. And at the center of the HWPL is the chairman of the organization, Man Hee Lee.

As a Korean War veteran, Mr. Lee has been travelling around the world to promote his vision for peace. And after the successful World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit last September, the world now focuses its attention on him for the keys that he will bring to unlock the mysterious concept that only has been existing in our fantasy: peace. His ingredients are rather simple, but efficient. It is mainly focused around the peace between different religions with the cooperation of HWPL, IPYG, IWPG.

This blog will cover exclusively on HWPL and Mr. Lee's tours and his individual steps that led him to presenting the dream of peace, in which we only have been imagining, into our reality. And hopefully by the time we reached to our final article of this blog, greeting our friends and families with 'Peace be with you' won't be no longer necessary, because peace will be already set in front of our eyes.