
1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit Main Highlight

Do you remember?
This is the opening question of the highlight clip of the 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit. 
Do you remember the event last year? The things that achieved since then, when we gathered in hands and promised under the Creator to build a world of harmony.

Peace Palace
Where is the Peace Palace?
One road enters from each direction:
North, South, East, and West
Climb the stairway to heaven,
and there it is!
The sun, moon, and stars are there.
(Sun - Ps 89:36, Moon - Ps 89:37, Stars - Gn 37:9-11)
It is a heavenly town,
where the sky and earth
harmoniously mingle.
There are three stairways to heaven
in the Peace Palace
The pavilion of the world is
"Il-wol-jeong (sun-moon-pavilion)."
Two sreams of clear blue water flow
in the shape of an "S" for sky.
The sun, moon, stars
and clouds in the heavens 
Weave a pictureeque tapestry
A ray of light shines
upon the Peace Palace
The pier under a tall pine tree
Awaits those on their way
Lined up in a "V" for victory.
Boats bound for heaven
gather at the dock, 
Dancing in the waves.
The angels of the Peace Palace
come out to the dock.
And welcome those arriving
with their hands held high
High in the sky, 
at an altitude of 38,000 fee.
The sun, moon, and stars hover above
As we fly to the Peace Palace.
The fish that are schooling
See the stairway to heaven
leading to the Peace Palace
The beautiful Peace Palace is within sight.
The moon is out
and shining serenity upon scene.
Behold the palace of peace!



Your own definition of peace

A world that you dream of...

We all have our own fantasy and dream. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a world, where all men are treated equal. His dream became reality, after countless amount of efforts. It is true that weak or strong racism still exists in our daily life. It is natural due to the differences that we have. Though there was a time in history, when segregation was considered normal, people sought to make a better world, because they recognized the difference and unfairness. This movement did not happen in only one country, but in different countries. There were no international movement that grouped these national-based movements together. It happened, because it would lead the humanity into a better direction. Finally, a law was created to integrate and make racism illegal. The dream of Martin Luther King Jr. came true and still continues to be achieved today, as the world sees less racial segregation.

Today, we fight for many different causes. Among them is the HWPL peace movement. This is slightly broader than the dream of Dr. King. The peace movement includes overcoming racial, ideological, and religious differences. In some ways, these conflicts are considered normal because it is because of difference. We need to start working towards the dream. We all need to become like Martin Luther King Jr. in our own community or like Chairman Man Hee Lee to make this world a better place, which is place no segregation exists. We all need to accept everyone is different and it is normal to be different. If conflict arises every time due to a minor difference, then these conflicts will never end until everyone dies.

In order to stop this, we must work together. We must create law that will regulate these conflicts. In the beginning it will be hard. And even after many months and years, conflicts may still exist. However, there will be a progress. Just like the integration in United States still continues to overcome racism. These are small steps that are taken to a large and big destination. 

What is a world that you dream of? What is your definition of peace? We all have our definition of peace. We all have a place that we dream of or an occupation that we wanted. What is a peaceful world to you? If you have time to write few lines under the comment section, feel free to share your idea and definition of peace. Is it a world without war? Is it a world with something you love?

I think we would all agree that this world of peace is a place where we are able to share with the people that we love.


Event for the separated family of North and South Korea

The 1945 independence of the Korean peninsula brought joy and sadness at the same time. Some family had to separate, because of their ideological differences. After the Korean War in 1950, there were more separated family in the peninsula. If the separation caused by the division of the two governments in 1945 was by choice, the separation caused by the 1950 Korean War was a reluctant choice.

After six decades the Korean peninsula is still divided into two different government, in which separated families still exist, but now along with their future generations. It is unfortunate that after the first generation of the separated families pass away, their descendants would not be able to find their opposite half on the other side of the 38 parallel line without organizing the complicated family trees of both Korea.

This October, an event was hosted in a North Korean hotel for the separated families. There will be 90 families in this event, who will reunited with their families in three meeting with the total of six hours.

Currently, Koreans are the only people, who were not able to see reunification. There is hope with the activities of the HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee, who are working towards bringing peace to the Korean peninsula. I hope that the two Koreas would be able to take another step towards each other, before it is too late.

Bringing unification to Korea would be a great contribution to the work of world peace. Korea will now join other countries, who overcame the separation, to show the world that we can be one.


The 1st Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit

The 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit was hosted in Seoul, South Korea by a non-profit peace organization called HWPL. As we already know, HWPL has been making progressive impact around the world since the WARP Summit of last year. We also have been seeing more peace activities around the world even in the midst of various civil wars and conflicts.

Following the grand opening ceremony in the World Peace Gate, multiple conferences were held the next day to discuss the steps towards cessation of war and achievement of world peace. In the meeting, the participants signed a statement to urge for the implementation of an international convention on the cessation of war and achievement of world peace. Although it may be just a piece of paper with a signature that one may use for all purpose to represent himself or herself, when they are gathered together to create a pile to a bigger pile and to multiple piles, this statement with multiple signatures will become a powerful tool to express the voice of the people who live in the world. It is not only just one group of people, who want peace, but multiple and different groups from different backgrounds supporting peace. Although HWPL does not have the equal power as The United Nations or even one country, the organization has the power to gather different people and it has the power to bring and unify them under one. And their cause is not for one person's benefit, it is the benefit for all, regardless of what background they may come from, the thought they have inside and the action that they show reflect their identity. It is based on the his or her action that one person must be judged by, not by what people say.

We see the vision and the action of Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim, and the members of the HWPL through what they have done in the past year. They made effort to bring religions together into harmony. This recent event became a checkpoint for the organization HWPL and for the rest of us on where we are right now in respect to achieving world peace. It has reconfirmed our passion and enthusiasm to resolve these problems we had for hundreds of years that we let it pass for our own personal greed.

In the generation of this new millennium, I hope that we will be able to see a change compared to the past. It has only been 15 years. Compared to the last millennium, I think we are doing better, but I think we can accomplish more. I hope the HWPL movement becomes the spark that lights up the world.


A Prayer for a World of Peace

Cecilia is an artist, who is from Norway. She is a classical crossover singer, who participated in different rendition of popular songs. After growing up in Norway, Cecilia moved to New York City to study music. The song with the same name, "The Prayer" was used as an OST for the animation, "Quest for Camelot". This song was sung by popular artists, such as Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. In the song by Cecilia, the voice of Cecilia is accompanied by a beautiful lyrics with the background music. According the description in the YouTube video, the song became popular after it was used as an OST for a Korean soap opera.

As I read through the lyrics of the song, I noticed that it aligns with our struggle to spread the peace in the world. We must walk the path even if obstacles may stop us. In the end, the motive of our work is in love. The song, The Prayer, to me, serves as a prayer of encouragement to those who might fall behind in their journey in life.

On the path of life
Mountains rise above
We've been climbing so high
To open up the sky
Chasing a vision of the world
That's in your love

When the darkness falls
And I fear I'll lose my sight
I just breathe in the sounds
Of beauty all around
It's your grace that will
Lift me to the sun
Beyond the heights
In the light

Don't lose your way
It's just the hatred and the fight
In our hearts
Love will lead us to the sun
Beyond the heights
In the light


Quote: Bailian and Godfrey from the film, The Kingdom of Heaven

Unlike his previous films, Ridley Scott's The Kingdom of Heaven has many quotes that suggest a thought on peace and harmony. 

"A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience. A kingdom of heaven. There is peace between Christian and Muslim. We live together, or between Saladin and the king, we try. Did you think that lay at the end of a Crusade?"

It is slightly ironic that the speaker of this quote is a soldier and the picture of this character from the film includes himself holding a sword. Perhaps, this sword was used to protect the peace, so that nothing would break the pre-established peace. It may not be the optimal way, but the viewers are able to see in the film that this power was necessary so that he would be able to protect the peace from the threatening force. What is the most optimal method for peace to be achieved? Is it through force? The blood shed will bring more blood. However, achieving peace through persuasion and unification will not bring side effect. This is what HWPL believes in. Although HWPL is not capable of gathering firearms, they advocate harmony through talks and dialogue.

"What man is a man who does not make the world better?"
(Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddate meliorem)

This Latin phrase is said by Bailian of Ibelin, who is the son of Godfrey. Bailian is able to demonstrate this quote through the actions that he showed in the film. Despite his accomplishment, in the end of the film, he only responds by instroducing himself as a blacksmith to the question of the King of England, who was looking for Bailian, who was the last defender of Jerusalem. After the achievement of saving the people of Jerusalem and re-bringing some form of harmony between the Christians and the Muslim, he humbles himself only as a blacksmith. It is true that his achievement required many sacrifice, but in the bigger picture, he was able to save more lives and earned the respect of his adversaries. The quote below is the speech he gave to motivate the men, who chose to defend Jerusalem after their main army's defeat. It is important that we work to make this world better. People say success in life through a good occupation or wealth is valuable, but to him and to some of us today, making this world is even more valuable in building our identity as man, because it is the world that we live. We clean our house and take care of our house for guests and also because it is our responsibility. The world is our great home that we must take care of. This world however, is being destroyed through the conflict and disagreement. We must find agreement and create harmony to protect the world from being destroyed.

"It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem, and we have made our preparations as well as they can be made. None of us took this city from Muslims. No Muslims of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. We fight over an offense we did not give, against those who were not alive to be offended. What is Jerusalem? your holy places lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. The Muslim places of worship lie over yours. Which is more holy? The Wall? The Mosque? The Sepulchre? Who has claim? No one has claim. All have claim. We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls."


Film: The Kingdom of Heaven

The name "Jerusalem" means "The City of Peace". However, we are not able to see peace in Jerusalem. Instead we see conflict and division in Jerusalem. The film, "The Kingdom of Heaven" centers in Jerusalem. Balian, a blacksmith in France, follows his father's footsteps to travel to Jerusalem during the Crusades.

The City of Jerusalem in the beginning of the film, when it was reigned by King Baldwin IV, is shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. They are able to live in harmony because of the King and the Sultan. Some minor quarrels may happen, but these dispute eventually found justice according to agreement of these two parties. This somewhat peace between the Christians and the Muslim changes as the King dies and he is succeeded by a man, who is greedy for power and authority. Eventually Christians and Muslims face each other in the battle with each party firmly believing that God or Allah will bring victory to their side.

At that time, Jerusalem has many meanings to individuals. Many people traveled to Jerusalem with The Crusades to find a new life. However, they only found the same world in their Holy Land. This is no different than Jerusalem of today. In addition to the battle scenes, the film left its viewers with many different quotes that discussed one's being and his relation to God and the relationship between the two religions. The message that the film carried was deeper in comparison with other films produced by the director, Ridley Scott.

The protagonist of the film travels to Jerusalem and he struggles to find peace within himself through his reconciliation with God and his obligation to his duty in the setting, where religious harmony was at risk. As different characters starting with his father, the Muslim general that he spared, and the royalties shared their insights of faith and knowledge, we see the hero, who is reluctant to be treated as such, start to find his own place and destiny in the crisis between the two religions.

The film seems to question and show, "what can a man do in the midst of these conflict?". This question especially applies to the world that we live in today. The question is not limited to those in Jerusalem today, but to the people who live in the area where conflicts exist. We ask ourselves, "What can a man or a woman like me do against this mass conflict?" This was the same question that the Bishop of Jerusalem asked as he saw Bailian knighted each solider before the battle to defend Jerusalem against the Saracens.

"Who do you think you are? Will you alter the world? Does making a man a knight make him a better fighter?"

These men and soldiers of Jerusalem, who were considered as peasants with no influence, eventually succeeds defending Jerusalem and fulfilling their duty. They were ordinary men, who ended up defending the city because all the soldiers died in the initial battle with the Saracens. Most of us in the world are regular and ordinary citizens of the nation we live in. However, with the right heart, we are able to alter the world. It will make us a better fighter, an advocate for peace. One may say world peace is impossible, but it would only take one step away from being possible as each individual doubts its possibility. One of the quotes that Bailian's father, Godfrey talks about one's destiny.

"You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be."

Our destiny does not depend on where we are born into, but what we are able to bring out from ourselves. It depends on our ability to push our limit. This idea is exemplified by Chairman Man Hee Lee, who has been working as a peace advocate internationally. He is the example of what a single man can do in the midst of multiple conflicts in the world. I hope that the world will start to recognize the effort of Chairman Man Hee Lee and HWPL and join to cooperate and fulfill world peace together.


Film: The Front Line

The war film, "The Front Line" is based during the Korean War. (In Korean, the title is loosely translated to "The Battle of Highland".) It is starred by famous lead and supporting actors of South Korea and it captures the disastrous nature of war and the unfortunate fate between the South and North Korean soldiers at last minute of the Korean War before the Armistice Agreement.

The film begins with one officer named Eun-Pyo, who is transferred to a company with the nickname, "alligator". This company has fought and won many battles, especially in the dispute over one hill called "Aerok" Hill (also known as K-Hill). He is sent to investigate a case, in which a letter of a North Korean solider was sent from the Alligator Company to his mother, who lives in South Korea, and this may be the case that there might be a spy in the company. The plot continues as Eun-Pyo seeks the answer behind this strange incident and his reconciliation with a friend thought to be dead, Soo-Hyuk.

The Aerok Hill is captured repeatedly by both sides and it is an important hill in the negotiation between the two Koreas, as it would bring more lands to the owning side. This causes continuous change in its owner as each side attempts to capture the hill. At the end of the film, the Armistice Agreement is negotiated, but there are gap hours before the agreement becomes official.

The last scenes of the film depict the unfortunate fate of the reluctant soldiers, who have to fight for a land that has been covered by the corpse of their fallen comrades. What is the meaning of this hill to each of the individual soldiers? Yes, it may be important to the officials, when drawing the boundary in the peninsula, but to the soldiers, the hill represents the death and life to these soldiers, because the hill may become their grave or successful capture of the hill would extend their life. I do not think that the hill was looked a territory to them. This is why, few of the soldiers decided to hide and leave their belongings, because in the end they would return to the exact hill. The repeated captures in the end become pointless and meaningless as soldiers would have to die for a hill that they would later lose.

At the very last battle before the agreement becomes official, the soldiers of each side sing together a song to show their reluctant heart to fight. The fight between these two sides shows us a message. We fight today and we have fought in the past. These conflicts were small and big, but it was always the same argument and mostly for the same reason. It is the same hill that is needed to be overcome. It is in some way pointless to fight over. What is the better solution? What is the purpose of having a boundary, when we all live in the same world, when we breath the same air? We are in the frontline of the hill that we must overcome. It no longer talks about a boundary against each other, but a boundary of war that we must overcome to achieve peace.