As Mr. Man Hee Lee, the chairman of HWPL, spreads his message of peace, the people of the global community are starting to respond to his message in their own ways. Although they may not be able to travel around the world like Mr. Lee to spread the message of peace, they are changing the community that they live.
It is hard for one small stream to change a lake, however, if a lake, which holds the source to the water, it is able to change all the streams and rivers that it supports with water. As the world is starting to recognize the need for peace, especially after the WARP Summit, people are taking charge in changing their communities.
For the case of people in Mindanao, after the agreement between the two religious communities, the people in this community hosted peace walk and also built the peace monument. We hope to see more communities in the world following the example of the community in Mindanao.
News Links
Peace Advocate, Man Hee Lee's Visit to New York
The City of New York is considered to be one of the greatest cities in the world. In addition to the people with different ethnic backgrounds living in the city, the headquarter of United Nations is also in New York City. This was an interview of Chairman Man Hee Lee with a reporter from Africa, who asked the Chairman about peace. One of the questions to the Chairman was "How would you fulfill your mission for peace?"
The Chairman answers, "There must be an answer for peace. And with the information, I have been travelling around the world. And not only that there has been the WARP Summit in South Korea, and even before that I traveled around the world 14 times, in order to meet leaders of different groups and make them aware of the vision of the Summit. In the WARP Summit, many previous and current presidents and judges agreed to reenact the international law in front of the divine Creator and the members of global family. Most wars are caused by religions, and we agreed to become one as a religion in the WARP Summit. Now we have conclusion left. In order to start the second step after WARP Summit, I visited New York."
World Alliance of Religions, Peace Summit and HWPL Day in South Africa
The Peace Movement of HWPL is reaching out to different continents. I hope that this peace movement becomes the last peace movements that will conclude and end the continuous wars around the world.
Interview: Chairman Man Hee Lee
This interview with Chairman Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate who has been actively travelling around the world to promote world peace and end of war, summarizes the vision and the thoughts of the Chairman. Even though the translation is in German, I hope to share a quote of Chairman Lee that stood out to me.
"The divine being promised in the scriptures on how He will bring peace to the world for thousands years."
-This is the main vision of HWPL WARP Offices. HWPL believes that there must be a comparative studies on religious scriptures based the prophecy regarding peace. This is the purpose of WARP Office. It is to find the true will of the divine being, who created the world, so that we may be able to find an understanding in between religions.
HWPL: Donations for Nepal Earthquake
A peace movement does not only consists of messages of peace. It also consists of action. Peace can be simply defined as love for our neighbors. The act of charity that HWPL showed towards the victims of the recent Nepal Earthquake is a proof that HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee also walks the path of love. They do not only speak, but also act to achieve peace. Although HWPL may not be financially strong, it is great to see that they made great effort to support the fellow mankind, who suffered from a natural disaster. All wars result with victors and losers, but peace results with all victors. We all become winners in our path towards tolerance and understanding. It was great to see the world becoming one to empathize the pain and the suffering of the victims of Nepal Earthquake. I hope that our bonds grow stronger even in these hardships.
We are ONE people
"Researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people...The color of our ancestors’ skin and ultimately my skin and your skin is a consequence of ultraviolet light, of latitude and climate. Despite our recent sad conflicts here in the U.S., there really is no such thing as race. We are one species—each of us much, much more alike than different. We all come from Africa. We all are of the same stardust. We are all going to live and die on the same planet, a Pale Blue Dot in the vastness of space. We have to work together."
—Bill Nye, Rutgers University Commencement, 2015
—Bill Nye, Rutgers University Commencement, 2015
In terms of race, we are not different. We all came from one ancestor and one Creator. Just like Bill Nye says, we are more alike than different. Instead of noticing our similarities, we only notice our differences and conflict over it. We need to start noticing our similar we are. For example, even though it may be in different form and structure, we all look for a divine being. Our minds do not stop only in the physical world, but also in the metaphysical world. This is one similarity that we share.
We are the World
The song "We are the World" is sung by multiple artists, which include Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, and Lionel Richie. The message of the song is expressed clearly through its lyric. The title of the song unites all singers and the listeners to one group "we". We are no longer defined "I am....", but as "We are". Just like other writers and famous figures in the world, who wrote about peace, the title is defining all of us as one as it says "We are the world".
The lyrics of the song alerts its listeners of the gravity of the war, in which it causes death. It calls out to people to give help to those, who we do not call strangers, but as family. This is why we are the world and we are the ones who can alter our day and life. And most definitely, we are able to make a better day, if we all work together and start to give. What can we give? We can give our love and throw away hatred, because of a small difference. As we start to identify ourselves as one, then peace will come.
"We're The World (USA For Africa)"
There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We all are a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Our Legacy
"What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?" Pope Francis asks a question that was asked by Chairman Man Hee Lee. We need to make peace for the sake of our future generation. We need to leave a better world to our future generation as an inheritance. We need to think about how will we be evaluated by them.
This is the reason why we must work for peace. All religious communities must gather together for the establishment of WARP office and advocate for the reenactment of an international law to end all wars in the world. This may sounds simple, but it is a difficult task that requires the effort of many different people. It could lead to world peace directly, but if it was an easy task, it would have been fulfilled already. This is because, we already saw many people with similar minds as Chairman Man Hee Lee.
It is not about what we are thinking, but it is what we are doing and accomplishing. Currently, Mr. Man Hee Lee and the members of HWPL are working to achieve world peace. They are hosting peace walks and inter-faith dialogue in different parts of the world for the sake of world peace. I hope that the Catholic Community under the leadership of Pope Francis would work with HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee, because there are so many similarities in their vision.
This is the reason why we must work for peace. All religious communities must gather together for the establishment of WARP office and advocate for the reenactment of an international law to end all wars in the world. This may sounds simple, but it is a difficult task that requires the effort of many different people. It could lead to world peace directly, but if it was an easy task, it would have been fulfilled already. This is because, we already saw many people with similar minds as Chairman Man Hee Lee.
It is not about what we are thinking, but it is what we are doing and accomplishing. Currently, Mr. Man Hee Lee and the members of HWPL are working to achieve world peace. They are hosting peace walks and inter-faith dialogue in different parts of the world for the sake of world peace. I hope that the Catholic Community under the leadership of Pope Francis would work with HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee, because there are so many similarities in their vision.
Adahl: Pray for Korea, a song for peace
The song, "Pray for Korea" is written by Adahl, a Swedish CCM group. Although the song carries many Christian references, it talks about unity and peace in the Korean peninsula. The song talks about one nation divided into two, because of ideology. The conflict of ideology in 20th century was portrayed through the division in the two country. Consequently this turned into a conflict among men, who once called each other brothers in one nation.
I think we must not only wish for peace in Korea, but peace in the whole world. The God in the lyrics does not necessarily refer to the God of Christianity, but the God, who created this world. HWPL views that we are all from one divine being and we were not individually created by gods that we believe in. There is only one creator of this world.Let us think about the heart of the divine being, who created the world. What could have been His original purpose of creating the world? However, what would He think, when He looks at the world?
Instead of showing hate, we must show forgiveness and brotherhood. It does not only limit to the Korean peninsula, but to the whole world. Our effort to peace must continue until we see the whole world without borders. I hope that this new day will come soon through Chairman Man Hee Lee.
HWPL, The World Tours of Chairman Man Hee Lee
Since 2013, Mr. Man Hee Lee has been travelling around the world a total of 16 times and across 73 countries, in order to spread the message of peace to the global community.
The official mission of HWPL's World Tours are:
1. International Support for a drafting of an international law for the cessation of war.
2. Establish international offices for the alliance of religions, a place to dialogue about scriptural interpretations for peace.
In order to successfully accomplish these missions, Mr. Man Hee Lee has been working restlessly for the past two years and also for his whole life. The WARP Summit, which was hosted last year with the participation of over 1000 leaders from all over the world was the first step to gain support to draft an international law. Its purpose was to alert the leaders on the importance of peace and the end of war. This effort of Mr. Man Hee Lee and many members of HWPL, who hoped for true peace, is now being recognized by the world and they are volunteering to join and meet with people from different faith and background. One small light in the Korean peninsula sparked the whole world to join and form a greater light.
The official mission of HWPL's World Tours are:
1. International Support for a drafting of an international law for the cessation of war.
2. Establish international offices for the alliance of religions, a place to dialogue about scriptural interpretations for peace.
In order to successfully accomplish these missions, Mr. Man Hee Lee has been working restlessly for the past two years and also for his whole life. The WARP Summit, which was hosted last year with the participation of over 1000 leaders from all over the world was the first step to gain support to draft an international law. Its purpose was to alert the leaders on the importance of peace and the end of war. This effort of Mr. Man Hee Lee and many members of HWPL, who hoped for true peace, is now being recognized by the world and they are volunteering to join and meet with people from different faith and background. One small light in the Korean peninsula sparked the whole world to join and form a greater light.
An Appointment as an Ambassador of HWPL
Few weeks ago, His Royal Highness Prime Minster Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa presented Youssef Buzaboon, the President of Bahrain Society for Tolerance and Religious Co-Existence with an appoint as an Ambassador of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light.
What does it mean to be an ambassador of HWPL?
The efforts to become one and understand each other are beginning to happen around the world. Wars happen by physical force, but peace is achieved through non-violence and inspiration. I hope to see more people joining the movement of peace with HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee.
Interfaith Dialogue For World Peace in Laos
Another WARP Office meeting was hosted in Laos in March. This meeting was to discuss and continue the vision and the spirit of WARP Summit. This meeting at University College of Medicine, Laos included 40 religious, women, and youth leaders.
In order to continue the efforts made at WARP Summit last September, the participants of the dialogue discussed about peace in the religious scriptures, so that all religious will reach to a common point.
"What is the definition of peace in your religion?"
This is a question that leaves each person with a thought. Many people in the world lost faith in religion, because of their action against peace. Instead of working for peace and loving others, religion hates those who have different ideas and views. The question of what is peace in each religion guides the thoughts of the people of religion towards the original purpose of religion. This is the purpose of WARP Summit and the consecutive meetings for the establishment of WARP Office. It is to rediscover the meaning of religion, which is to achieve peace.
The effect that the WARP Summit led by Chairman Man Hee Lee motivated the people in the world to meet with people of different faith voluntarily to walk the same path. This is something that has never been achieved before.
(Chairman Man Hee Lee)
Reflection on JFK's Quote on Peace
John F. Kennedy is considered to be one of the greatest presidents in the American history. In regards to peace, he said that peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process. It is something that cannot be resolved in one day. Like everything in the world, there is a process to peace. Since the world never experienced peace before and only wars existed, it would be hard to change to a new direction. This is why our spirit and demand for peace needs to be strong. We need to have the will to walk towards a new destination, a world of peace. The activities of Chairman Man Hee Lee resembles the quote of JFK. He is actively pursuing peace through many different steps. He is visiting countless numbers of people in the world that peace is possible if we can overcome our barriers. Berlin Wall did not fell through a military intervention. It fell because of the hope of the citizens of the Berlin City. They wanted to become united again. This brought them together after overcoming the Berlin Wall that separated them. We need to have the same spirit as the German citizens quarter century ago. We need to have the wish to meet someone, who is different, on the other side of the wall.
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.
-John F. Kennedy in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly (20 September 1963)
HWPL Day in Carson, CA
Few miles away from LA Downtown is Carson City. The city established May 25th, a historical day of celebration for peace, as the HWPL Day. After a successful conference with the local religious leaders, Carson Mayor, Jim Dear, inducted May 25th as HWPL Day in Carson, CA. The conference at University of California, Irvine also provided the students from different religions to come together and established a strong connecting atmosphere.
"Regardless of who starts a war, who are the ones who fight it? It is the youth, our children. I was a witness of this when I fought in the war and saw people die before my very eyes. To create peace as a reality is to end war."
In order to honor the achievements of Chairman Man Hee Lee, Carson City awarded Mr. Lee with Honorary Citizen of the city. It is truly wonderful to see how one person can do to influence the world with the right mindset. We normally think that justice would not be recognized or appreciated, but through the actions and reactions of Mr. Man Hee Lee, we can see that there are still people in the world, who fight for peace and justice.
"Regardless of who starts a war, who are the ones who fight it? It is the youth, our children. I was a witness of this when I fought in the war and saw people die before my very eyes. To create peace as a reality is to end war."
In order to honor the achievements of Chairman Man Hee Lee, Carson City awarded Mr. Lee with Honorary Citizen of the city. It is truly wonderful to see how one person can do to influence the world with the right mindset. We normally think that justice would not be recognized or appreciated, but through the actions and reactions of Mr. Man Hee Lee, we can see that there are still people in the world, who fight for peace and justice.
Reflection on Isocrates' Quote on Peace
Isocrates is an Ancient Greek orator, who made great contributions to the study of rhetoric. He also was a teacher, who was responsible to lead his students into a correct way. In his quote, he writes that peace must be made with not only different nations, but with all mankind. What could this mean? He is not only identifying other nations, but with every mankind. Regardless of who they are, we are responsible to make peace with them.
I maintain, then, that we should make peace, not only with the Chians, the Rhodians, the Byzantines and the Coans, but with all mankind...
-Isocrates, "On the Peace", c. 355 B.C.
Even at a time when war was something natural, the idea of world peace and unity existed through great minds like Isocrates. Since Isocrates and possibly before him, many thinkers of peace existed. However, they were only thinkers. They were not able to fulfill their thought into reality. Unlike these bright thinkers, Chairman Man Hee Lee is able to make peace between all mankind. Through WARP Summit, he not only made with peace with people from different background, but he made peace exist between these people.
Peace in Uganda
The Peace Advocate, Mr. Man Hee Lee visited Uganda to spread his message of peace in Uganda. The vision and the solution that Mr. Lee presents are essential and practical in achieving End of War and World Peace. His visit in Uganda attracted many people Uganda, who were interested in seeing a peaceful world. With the active participation of the people in Uganda, we see that we are one step closer to world peace. We hope that more people in different countries would join HWPL's movement towards a generation of peace!
Reflection on Baruch's Quote on Peace
Bernard Baruch was an American businessman and a financial adviser to both U.S Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Both Woodrow Wilson and FDR were presidents in the time of a World War. I believe his experiences with advising influenced him to also become a philanthropist.
He understood that the preservation of peace is not possible by strength. Similar to many other peace advocates, he claimed that peace is only possible by understanding and agreement. This also built the current day UN. On the other hand, HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee are also advocating the same principle through their multiple activities, such as the WARP Summit, Peace Tours, and Peace Walks. They are gathering different groups of people to reach to an agreement. It is not by conflict, but by embrace that makes world peace possible. We should no longer work on the technical innovation that would only put the world in danger, but on ethics against other people, who are different than us.
Peace Dialogue: "Peace This Together" in Africa
Last May, the world saw another light of hope for peace in different communities as they hosted a peace walk. On the same day, an HWPL branch in South Africa hosted an interfaith dialogue to gather the voices and the opinions from different groups. Many renowned religious leaders of the country attended this conference to represent their own religion. This focus of this conference was to discuss the topic 'creation' in each religion. The conference was not to find the difference that would trigger conflict, but to find similarities.
All of us are scattered into pieces, in which we identify ourselves with it. The conference, however, matched these scattered pieces together, so that there can be peace. After the dialogue, the participants walked in the Freedom Park to celebrate the 2nd year of the peace day. We saw a peace walk, in which everyone walked together, in a country, where segregation used to take place. It is truly amazing to see that not only different ethnicity walking together, but also different religions and groups.
We are all in this togther
The song that served as a finale for a musical movie almost ten years ago talks about students reaching to their dreams together. In the beginning of the film, the students were divided according to their social groups, but in the end, they reconcile through understanding. This social clash can be enlarged and applied to the world. In the world, we all belong to a certain group.
The first line of the chorus, "We are all in this together" talks about unity in our dream. We have one purpose. Although we are special in our own way, we cannot create a barricade against others for being different. Instead we have to recognize and accept the special traits in other, in order to become stronger. In all these different types of people become together to become one.
We are all start in the sky that are different in shape and light, but we all belong to one space: heaven. In other words, we are all people, who call earth our home. In this similarity, we must become together. We are able to see the theme, unity, through different people, religions and even in culture and pop culture. The theme unity exists, because it has not been fulfilled. I hope that it become fulfilled and become a part of our ordinary life.
We are all in this together
Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets have some fun
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets do this right
Here and now its time for celebration
I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what its all about(yeah yeah)
Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
Reflection on Wendell Berry's Quote on Peace
Wendell Berry
To prepare for a war requires multiple steps and tasks. In the past, many wars happened in between different countries. Their preparation and the outcome of a war is vital, because the fate and future of the country is depended on the war. If they are victorious, then they will conquer and acquire new land and resources. However, if they lose, then they would lose. Many countries in the past, who were invaded and conquered, had to experience the shame and dishonor of losing the identity and the culture of their country.
The outcome of a war is brings good only to one side. It does not enrich both sides. Just to win a war, they prepare greatly, just as Wendell Berry writes. On the other hand, peace is something that everyone can benefit from. The outcome is not different on both sides, but it benefits everyone. If they prepare seriously for a cause that benefits one side, then how much should we work for, for a cause that benefits both sides? If we are able to show the same passion and determination to achieve peace, as we prepare for war, then peace would be possible.
The peace that HWPL is determined to achieve is not just peace between two nations. It is world peace. It requires more steps and enthusiasm from the people to reach it. Already people like Chairman Man Hee Lee and Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim along with the members of HWPL are already working towards peace. We must start asking ourselves, "What can I do to contribute to peace?".
Peace Quotes
If we are serious about peace, then we must work for it as ardently, seriously, continuously, carefully, and bravely as we have ever prepared for war.
-Wendell Berry, Citizenship Papers (2003)
Peace is never long preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race. Peace can be made tranquil and secure only by understanding and agreement fortified by sanctions. We must embrace international cooperation or international disintegration. Science has taught us how to put the atom to work. But to make it work for good instead of for evil lies in the domain dealing with the principles of human dignity. We are now facing a problem more of ethics than of physics.
-Bernard Baruch, Address to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (14 June 1946)
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Of Self-Reliance", Essays, First Series (1841)
The situation of the world is still like this. People completely identify with one side, one ideology. To understand the suffering and the fear of a citizen of the Soviet Union, we have to become one with him or her. To do so is dangerous — we will be suspected by both sides. But if we don't do it, if we align ourselves with one side or the other, we will lose our chance to work for peace. Reconciliation is to understand both sides, to go to one side and describe the suffering being endured by the other side, and then to go to the other side and describe the suffering being endured by the first side. Doing only that will be a great help for peace.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace (1987)
I maintain, then, that we should make peace, not only with the Chians, the Rhodians, the Byzantines and the Coans, but with all mankind...
-Isocrates, "On the Peace", c. 355 B.C. In Isocrates (1929)
Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can — and save it we must — and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God.
-John F. Kennedy in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly (25 September 1961)
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.
-John F. Kennedy in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly (20 September 1963)
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
-John Lennon in "Give Peace A Chance" (1969)
-Wendell Berry, Citizenship Papers (2003)
Peace is never long preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race. Peace can be made tranquil and secure only by understanding and agreement fortified by sanctions. We must embrace international cooperation or international disintegration. Science has taught us how to put the atom to work. But to make it work for good instead of for evil lies in the domain dealing with the principles of human dignity. We are now facing a problem more of ethics than of physics.
-Bernard Baruch, Address to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (14 June 1946)
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Of Self-Reliance", Essays, First Series (1841)
The situation of the world is still like this. People completely identify with one side, one ideology. To understand the suffering and the fear of a citizen of the Soviet Union, we have to become one with him or her. To do so is dangerous — we will be suspected by both sides. But if we don't do it, if we align ourselves with one side or the other, we will lose our chance to work for peace. Reconciliation is to understand both sides, to go to one side and describe the suffering being endured by the other side, and then to go to the other side and describe the suffering being endured by the first side. Doing only that will be a great help for peace.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace (1987)
I maintain, then, that we should make peace, not only with the Chians, the Rhodians, the Byzantines and the Coans, but with all mankind...
-Isocrates, "On the Peace", c. 355 B.C. In Isocrates (1929)
Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can — and save it we must — and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God.
-John F. Kennedy in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly (25 September 1961)
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.
-John F. Kennedy in his Address to the United Nations General Assembly (20 September 1963)
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
-John Lennon in "Give Peace A Chance" (1969)
Let's walk together towards peace!
Everything will be possible, if we work together. We learn about cooperation from early education. We learn to cooperate with our classmates in a group project or in a game. Even in higher education, cooperation and team work assignments are given to students, in order to prepare them for the world. We are able to invest time and work with one another for our own goal and desire. Then, why could we not work together and cooperate together for a cause that is good for the whole world? Without world peace, our individual dreams will be harder to achieve, because of endless conflict. For the first time in the history of mankind, we see a global movement of people from the international community coming together for peace. This is the work of HWPL. Although the numbers are not great compared to the global population, it is increasing. Just as the members of the HWPL work together for world peace, it is important that we all work together for the survival of our race.
Holding out for a new hero
Holding out for a new hero...
In our lives we all have our heroes, who we look up to. This hero maybe our parents, teachers, or anyone, who we consider as a role model. In the world, a hero is someone who fights for a good cause. Someone, who is physically strong as Hercules is a hero, just as it is described in Bonnie Tyler's song, "Holding out for a hero". We also refer to the brave soldiers, who sacrifice their lives to fight the welfare of our nation.
Holding out for a hero - Bonnie Tyler
Where have all the good men gone
and where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss
and I turn
and I dream of what I need.
I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.
He's gotta be strong
and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight.
I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.
He's gotta be sure
and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life!
larger than life.
In our lives we all have our heroes, who we look up to. This hero maybe our parents, teachers, or anyone, who we consider as a role model. In the world, a hero is someone who fights for a good cause. Someone, who is physically strong as Hercules is a hero, just as it is described in Bonnie Tyler's song, "Holding out for a hero". We also refer to the brave soldiers, who sacrifice their lives to fight the welfare of our nation.
Unlike the old days, where the hero was physically strong and powerful, the definition of a hero changed. It is not limited to a strong hero that we see in Greek and Roman mythology or medieval stories, but it is someone who makes a change in one's lives. It does not mean that the soldiers, who fight for the protection of their countries, are not hero. Without their sacrifice, the people living in their country would not be safe. However, at this era, I think we need a hero, who is able to bring good to both parties. We need a hero, who not only defends and protects one side, but saves all.
When I look at Chairman Man Hee Lee, he does not fit the attributes of an ideal hero, who is strong and young. He may not be young, but he is strong-spirited. And I think his strong spirit is the cause for his physical strength. He may not be able to break a tree with one finger or lift a semi-truck to save someone, but despite his old age, he has been travelling around the world 17 times for one purpose: to save the world from countless numbers of war and establish world peace. What is the point of saving someone for one moment, but he or she is still in danger? What is the point of being called a hero from one side and being called a murderer from the other? What is the point of killing someone, in order to defend someone? It feels slightly ironic.
Chairman Man Hee Lee is hoping to solve origin of war, in order to save countless numbers of lives at the same time and also guarantee a safe world for our future generation. The key to solving world peace, according to Chairman Man Hee Lee, is the spirit of heavenly culture. The heaven or the sky provides all mankind regardless of their ethnicity and religion with light and rain. It does not discriminate. If we follow the example of the heaven, then we would be walking on the path of a hero. The first words of the organization HWPL is Heavenly Culture. HWPL and Chairman Lee works toward fulfilling peace and their works are definition of an ideal hero at this era.
Holding out for a hero - Bonnie Tyler
Where have all the good men gone
and where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss
and I turn
and I dream of what I need.
I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.
He's gotta be strong
and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight.
I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.
He's gotta be sure
and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life!
larger than life.
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